Parking is available at three locations:
1) Girls’ Preparatory School (GPS) off Barton Avenue with shuttles running continuously between GPS and the park until 1 PM.
2) Republic parking lot next to the Chattanooga Theater Center on River Street
3) Republic parking garage behind the Shell gas station at 345 Frazier Avenue.
Parking is free from 7 AM to 2 PM on Easter Sunday.
Senior adult and handicapped parking is designated along the street in the park and parking assistance is provided there.
Traffic flow on River Street is limited to seniors, the handicapped and families dropping off more items than they can carry from the parking areas. To ensure parking and walking are as safe as possible, barricades are used to restrict the flow of two-way traffic into the park from Cherokee Boulevard and Renaissance Park.
Yes! Drivers are allowed to pull into the park on River Street to drop off picnic and other items, but are then directed to exit via Tremont Street to Frazier Avenue.